
A thought about a dog that happened in a doctor's waiting room..

A dog without one leg jumping happily, why does it trigger this funny feeling inside us, something between disgust, hope, relieve and happiness.

Maybe because it means that even if something goes entirely not the way we wanted, we will still be able to be happy? And maybe we will not even remember how it could have been otherwise, as the reality in which we will end up well be the only reality we will know. Just like the dog does now.

So maybe it's also not that scary to bend your limits or accept things you were not willing to accept, or actually try to understand the other person's point of view, despite being afraid that this will change your settled views. Despite the feeling that you do something against yourself. Maybe a change, even if painful, even if at beginning it feels like we are losing or sacrificing something, maybe with time it will feel as good as before. Because we will know no other way.

Because, does it really matter which way it is? If it's the best one or second best or second worst? In the end it will be the only way I know, so why should I bother.

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